After Marvão…

Report on the experience of the Marvão Summer School by Saniya Malhotra. I will begin by telling you I am currently a 3rd year student of architecture. I love tradition

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Week 2 – Designing Beirã

Designing Beirã Week 2 by Vikramaditya Singh Rathore After understanding the architectural vocabulary of Alentejo and exploring Beirã, we were divided into groups to present our first thoughts on the

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Last day in Amaiur

By Jason Fajardo. It was the 29th of July at 9pm in the town of Amaiur. The whole village was quiet and one can only hear the sounds of nature

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Second Week

By Jason Fajardo. Monday morning came and everyone was still hung up on our trip to Pamplona. I had just woken up from hearing alarms ringing, rushing footsteps, locker keys

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By Jason Fajardo. The first week -though fun and wonderful- was quite stressful and hectic. We were all ready for a little break and were looking forward to visiting Pamplona

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First week

By Jason Fajardo. The first morning in Amaiur, we were brought to the highest point in the village. It was a 20-minute trek from the hostel to the peak of

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