The Fifth International Conference on Traditional Building, Architecture and Urbanism, organized by the Traditional Building Cultures Foundation, will take place between 15 and 17 November 2024 in Úbeda.
The Conference will offer both in-person and online formats. The in-person format will feature a series of lectures by international architects, various demonstrations by master craftsmen in traditional construction, and technical tours around the city of Úbeda.
Registration for the Conference, both for the on-site and online modalities, is free but necessary and can be done through the following link.

The call for proposals is open until September 6, 2024. All proposals will undergo a selection process and may be accepted for presentation at the Conference in its online or on-site modalities, and/or published in the Journal of Traditional Building, Architecture and Urbanism.
The Conference is organized by the Traditional Building Cultures Foundation thanks to Richard H. Driehaus and the collaboration of INTBAU Spain, INTBAU Portugal, the Fundação Serra Henriques, the City Council of Úbeda, the Foundation Casa Ducal de Medinaceli, the Association of Artisans of Úbeda, the Center for Renaissance Studies of Úbeda, the Foundation Huerta de San Antonio and the School of Arts Casa de Las Torres.

You can find more information about the Conference through the following link: