The language to be used during the activities will be mainly English, so at least basic skills using this language are recommended. . Hand drawing and measuring buildings will be the main activity to be developed each day, so a good command of it is also recommended.
Places are limited to 30. We will be developing a selection process among all candidates. Several places will be reserved for students from each participating university.
The tuition fee is 420 euros. This fee includes tuition, lodging, meals and transportation during the two weeks of the Summer School. Once applicants are accepted, the payment procedure will be provided.
*The actual cost per participant for this course is around 2,500 €, but thanks to the support of Richard H. Driehaus, the City Council of Ronda, and Kalam, the participation fee has been reduced to the 420 € mentioned.
Those interested in participating must fill out the Application Form and send a selection of drawings and projects, preferably hand-made, to
The deadline for the submission of applications is 30 March 2025.
If you have any question, please, do not hesitate to contact us
University of the Basque Country
Architect by the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Donostia-San Sebastián, where he graduated with honors. He also holds a Master’s Degree in Conservation from the University of the Basque Country and a PhD from the same university, with the thesis “Una bella sfida formale tra Quattrocento e Cinquecento” on the contributions of the great architects of the First Italian Renaissance to the development of bastioned fortifications. He has been since 2012 assistant professor of the Chair of Architectural Projects at the School of Architecture of San Sebastian and has taught Urban Planning. He is currently professor of Architectural Projects at the same university.
He has worked since 2010 with the architects Manuel Iñiguez & Alberto Ustarroz, with Iñigo Peñalba between 2012 and 2016, and since 2015 with Imanol Iparraguirre Barbero. Among his most notable projects are the collaboration with Iñiguez & Ustarroz in the Restoration of the Walls of Hondarribia and the project for the Imperial Forums in Rome. Together with Imanol Iparraguirre they won 1st Prize in the Richard H. Driehaus Architecture Competition in 2017 for the proposal for the restoration of the Renaissance Palace of Grajal de Campos (León) and, again in 2018, with their project for the Medieval Walls and the surroundings of the Coria Convent in Trujillo (Cáceres). In 2019 they received the Emerging Excellence in Classical Tradition Award from the Institute of Classical Architecture & Art (ICAA), the Prince’s Foundation and the International Network for Traditional Building, Architecture & Urbanism (INTBAU).
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid | Traditional Building Cultures Foundation | INTBAU Spain
PhD in Architecture and MA in Conservation and Restoration of Architectural Heritage from the Madrid Polytechnic University School of Architecture, where he has been Associate Professor since 2019.
He has been Associate Professor at the Alfonso X el Sabio University (2009-19), Visiting Scholar at the University of Notre Dame School of Architecture (US, 2016) and guest lecturer at universities such as Yale, Miami, Colorado, Liverpool or Politecnico di Milano, among others. His professional practice has been devoted to traditional architecture and building and the restoration and study of historic buildings, largely in Spain and Morocco, along with the creation and management since 2012, thanks to Richard H. Driehaus, of the initiatives run today by this Foundation. He is also the CEO of Kalam Corporation in the USA, a board member of the NGO Terrachidia and cofounding Vice-Chair of INTBAU Spain. Recognitions of this work include the 2015 INTBAU Excellence Award, the 2019 Hispania Nostra Award, a Special Mention in the 2019 EU-Europa Nostra Awards, the 2021 Philippe Rotthier European Architecture Prize, and the 2021 National Craft Award.
Traditional Building Cultures Foundation | INTBAU Spain
A graduate in Architecture of the Madrid Polytechnic University, with a degree in Psychology from the UNED University. For over five years he has been General Coordinator of the French cultural centre Domaine de Boisbuchet, where he has organised courses, exhibitions and residential workshops linked to art, design and architecture. He is also responsible for the collection, library and archive of Alexander von Vegesack, founder of the Vitra Design Museum and a renowned collector. Since 2019 he has been part of the team which has created and coordinated the initiatives run by this Foundation. Recognitions of this work include the 2019 Hispania Nostra Award, a Special Mention in the 2019 EU-Europa Nostra Awards, and the 2021 National Craft Award.
Traditional Building Cultures Foundation | INTBAU Spain
A graduate in Architecture, specialising in Precarious Human Settlements, of the Madrid Polytechnic University. She has taken part in various restoration projects in Casamance (Senegal) and collaborated in the coordination of various workshops for the restoration of historic buildings and earthen constructions with the NGO Terrachidia in Morocco. She has been Secretary and Treasurer of INTBAU España since 2016 and, thanks to Richard H. Driehaus, is part of the team which since 2016 has created and coordinated the initiatives run by this Foundation. Recognitions of this work include the 2019 Hispania Nostra Award, a Special Mention in the 2019 EU-Europa Nostra Awards, and the 2021 National Craft Award.
University of the Basque Country
Architect by the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Donostia-San Sebastián and Master in Conservation and Restoration of Architectural Heritage by the same university. He is a Predoctoral Fellow at the University of the Basque Country and a Visitor at the Deutsches Archäologisches Institut in Madrid, where he is developing his PhD on the evolution of circular architecture from Classical Antiquity to the Renaissance. In it he pays special attention to the notions of model and type, urban layout, meaning of architectural form, architectural mimesis and appropriation. He is also interested in Neoclassicism, Nordic Classicism and Italian Tendenza.
As an architect, Imanol has collaborated with Alberto Campo Baeza and Manuel Iñiguez & Alberto Ustarroz, with whom he collaborated on the restoration of the Walls of Fuenterrabía (Spain) and on a proposal for the Imperial Forum in Rome – finalist of the Prix Piranesi in Rome 2016. Together with Aritz Díez Oronoz he won 1st Prize in the Richard H. Driehaus Architecture Competition in 2017 for the proposal for the restoration of the Renaissance Palace of Grajal de Campos (León), and again in 2018 with their project for the Medieval Walls and the surroundings of the Coria Convent in Trujillo (Cáceres). In 2019 they received the Emerging Excellence in Classical Tradition Award from the Institute of Classical Architecture & Art (ICAA), the Prince’s Foundation and the International Network for Traditional Building, Architecture & Urbanism (INTBAU).
University of Miami
Frank Martinez is an Associate Professor at the University of Miami School of Architecture. He received a Bachelor of Architecture degree from the University of Miami School of Architecture in 1987 and a Master of Architecture degree in 1991 from Princeton University. His teaching focuses on courses in design, history/theory and drawing, and includes teaching in Rome, directing UM’s Grand Tour of Europe (a university-wide summer study abroad program), seminars on selected topics in American architecture, and participation in international summer programs on traditional architecture and urban design research.
He is a partner in Martinez Alvarez Urban Design, Architecture & Interior Design. In the 20+ years of the firm’s existence his work has ranged in scale and complexity from small houses to campus and institutional building design. The broader body of work and ongoing creative research includes residential projects in Coral Gables, Coconut Grove, Pinecrest, Bay Point and Palm Beach, Florida; campus buildings at the Carrollton School of the Sacred Heart in Coconut Grove and Florida Memorial University in Miami Gardens; single-family and multi-family housing in the new towns of Windsor, Alys Beach in Florida, and Tannin in Alabama; and historic preservation projects in the City of Miami, Coral Gables, Edgartown, Martha’s Vineyard and Boston, Massachusetts. The firm was recently selected, through a national selection process, as one of the architectural preservation consulting firms for the City of Coral Gables and as consulting architects for the City of Medley to provide architectural preservation design, documentation and evaluation services.
University of Notre Dame
Lucien studied architecture in Paris, where he graduated in 1980. He is a director of Katarxis Urban Workshops in Luxembourg and a partner at Heure Bleue Architects in London. He is currently an associate professor at the University of Notre Dame. He has worked in Luxembourg, where he has carried out a wide range of traditional designs in collaboration with Colum Mulhern. He has taught and lectured in Europe, America and Asia, and has collaborated with the Prince of Wales Urban Design Working Group in Potsdam and Berlin, the University of Miami, the Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, the University of Bologna, the Portuguese Catholic University of Viseu, and the University of Notre Dame (Rome Study Program and U.S. Campus, South Bend, Indiana, University of Buckingham and University of Luxembourg). He is the author, editor or co-editor of numerous publications, among them. New Palladians, Traditional Architecture: Timeless Building for the Twenty-First Century, The architectural Capriccio,In the Mood for Architecture and Travel Sketches from Elsewhere Nowhere.
Traditional Building Cultures Foundation | INTBAU Portugal
A graduate in Architecture of the Oporto School of Fine Arts and Lisbon Technical University (UTL), with a PhD from the Basque Country University (UPV). In 1991 he founded his own practice, from which he designed residential, hotel, retail and urbanism projects that continue the traditions of the regions in which he works. He has lectured at the Architecture Faculties of the Portuguese Catholic University in Viseu and Sintra and been a visiting lecturer at several European universities. He founded INTBAU Portugal, cofounded the European Council of Spatial Planners and is a member of the board of the Architectural Heritage Chapter of the Portuguese Institute of Architects. The quality of his work has earned him international awards such as the 2011 European Prize for the Reconstruction of the City given by the Philippe Rotthier Foundation, or the Rafael Manzano Prize in 2017.
Traditional Building Cultures Foundation | INTBAU Spain
A graduate in Architecture of the Navarra University School of Architecture, where he was later a lecturer and Coordinator of the Architectural Refurbishment and Restoration specialisation programme. He has served as an architect in the Historic Heritage Department of the Navarra Government’s Directorate General for Culture–Príncipe de Viana Institute since 1986. During his time in this body his restoration work on various Navarran historic buildings and ensembles has been honoured with the National Prize for the Restoration and Conservation of Cultural Assets (1998), the Silver Medal of the Spanish Association of Friends of Castles (2000), the 2012 Europa Nostra EU Cultural Heritage Award, and the 2012 Rafael Manzano Prize for New Traditional Architecture, among other distinctions. He is a member of the Partal Academy and of the Catalan Sant Jordi Royal Academy of Fine Arts.
An graduate in Architecture of the Madrid Polytechnic University, and since 1966 professor of General Art History at the Seville University School of Architecture, where he is also Dean. He has devoted his life to the study of Classicism and in particular the Islamic world, and he has built new traditional buildings and restored numerous historic constructions in Spain, the US and the Middle East. He was Director-Conservator at the Reales Alcázares palace in Seville and the caliphal town of Medina Azahara near Córdoba, and chaired the works committee of the Royal Board of Trustees for the Alhambra and the Generalife. He is a member of many Spanish academic bodies, including the San Fernando Royal Academy of Fine Arts. His work has been distinguished with the Gold Medal for the Fine Arts, among other awards, and he is also Commander (with a plaque) of the Civil Order of Alfonso X the Wise. He also won the Richard H. Driehaus Prize for Classical Architecture in 2010, prompting Richard Driehaus to institute a prize in Spain bearing his name – the Rafael Manzano Prize – and thereby originating the initiatives run today by this Foundation and giving rise to all that we do.
Early in the morning, the group will depart from Málaga to Ronda, where the introduction of the faculty and participants will take place.
They will have a brief time to accommodate and a series of introductory lectures will be held.
A bus will transport the group throughout the day to visit and analyze various towns and locations around Ronda. Each stop will be long enough to study, photograph, and draw the local architecture and building details, as well as to analyze the urban fabric. In the afternoon, lectures will be offered on the local history and landscape.
A bus will transport the group throughout the day to visit and analyze various towns and sites around Ronda. Each stop will be long enough to study, photograph, and draw the local architecture and building details, as well as to analyze the urban fabric. In the afternoon, lectures will be offered on the vernacular architecture of the area.
The day will be dedicated to measuring, drawing, and studying Ronda, with the goal of establishing the necessary foundation for the design work to be carried out the following week. In the afternoon, brief lectures will be offered on the culture and current situation of the area.
The day will be dedicated to measuring, drawing, and studying Ronda, with the aim of laying the foundation for the design work to be carried out the following week. In the afternoon, a panel discussion on Ronda will take place, followed by a debate.
In the morning, there will be demonstrations of traditional building techniques.
In the afternoon the group will put together, review and complete the work already developed.
Free day.
In the afternoon, an introductory lecture will be held on topics that will be relevant for the work in the second week.
Various design case studies will be identified and assigned to different groups, who will develop several improvement proposals for the urban areas around Ronda.
In the evening there will be brief lectures on new traditional architecture and urbanism design.
During the full day participants, divided into several groups, will use the developed research and manual to design different upgrade proposals for the studied areas.
In the evening there will be brief lectures on new traditional architecture and urbanism design.
Final edition of the design proposals and the patterns manual in the morning. In the afternoon, a public presentation of the design proposals will be scheduled. In the evening a final group dinner will be organised.
A bus will take the group to Málaga in the morning.
The Traditional Building Cultures Foundation seeks to foster and promote the study, protection, teaching, dissemination and conservation of the traditional building, architecture and urbanism characteristic of the various regions of the world
INTBAU Spain aims to promote traditional construction, architecture and urban planning. It serves as a platform for collaboration and information exchange, while contributing to the promotion of other related initiatives organized by its members and other institutions linked to the network itself.
The Portuguese section of the International Network for Traditional Building, Architecture, and Urbanism (INTBAU) is an active network of individuals and institutions dedicated to creating human and harmonious buildings and places that respect local traditions. It brings together those who design, build, maintain, study, or appreciate traditional construction, architecture, and places.
The Municipality Ronda has among its objectives the promotion of the rich architectural and cultural heritage of the town. To achieve this, it actively supports and participates in the course.
Kalam is an international company specialized in the field of heritage restoration and rehabilitation of historic buildings. In its commitment to the quality and rigor that are necessary for the work they carry out, they give continuity to the traditional trades through their own consolidated staff.
The Richard Hampton Jenrette Foundation was originally founded in 1993 as the Classical American Homes Preservation Trust (CAHPT) by American businessman and philanthropist Richard Hampton Jenrette. Its mission is to advance education, innovation, and stewardship in the fields of historic preservation, decorative arts, and historic landscapes.
The Fundação Serra Henriques was created in Portugal in 1997 for the promotion of education, culture and science. To this end, it pays special attention to the study of the national territory for local development and the enhancement of cultural heritage.
The Fundación Arquia was created in 1990 and, since its inception, its objective has been to promote and disseminate projects of a cultural, social, welfare, professional and educational nature in the field of architecture, building, design and urban planning.
Robert Adam, director of RobertAdam Architectural Consultancyhas been a leading figure in the advancement of traditional architecture and urbanism in the UK and around the world. He was one of the founders of INTBAU and the UK Traditional Architecture Group. As well as continuing to practice and write, he is dedicated to the support and training of young architects specializing in traditional architecture.
The King’s Trust Australia is part of The King’s Trust Group, a global network of charitable organizations that transform lives and build sustainable communities across the Commonwealth. This charity helps young people prepare for the changing job market, inspires veterans and their families to start their own businesses and work independently, and advocates for sustainable and resilient communities.
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