Why support us?

Our work promotes the creation of more beautiful, humane and lasting places along with respect for cultural and natural heritage and for the traditional knowledge that allows it to be conserved.

With your help, we can reach more people and involve more stakeholders in fostering the study, recognition and dissemination of this field.

Donate to help us make these initiatives grow and undertake other complementary ones.

What will your support


Helps us print two to four copies of our publications.


150 €

Allows us to gather and edit all the necessary information to post the profile of a new master artisan in the Masters’ Network.

Allows us to have an extra speaker participate in our next conference, course or seminar.


500 €

Allows us to organise a demonstration or workshop with a master artisan.


1000 €

Allows us to gather and edit all the necessary information to post the profile of six further master artisans in the Masters’ Network.


3000 €

Allows us to cover all the costs of a participant in our Summer School.

Allows us to produce and disseminate a video feature on the work of an artisan.


5000 €

Allows us to keep the content of our websites up to date and available for one year.


10000 €

Allows us to endow a master artisan and an apprentice so that the latter may be trained for four months.

Allows us to reward one of the master artisans honoured in the Building Arts Awards.

Allows us to publish a new book in the New Traditional Architecture series.


20000 €

Allows us to organise a new international seminar.

Allows us to keep updating and extending the Masters’ Network for one year


30000 €

Allows us to endow a master artisan and an apprentice so that the latter may be trained for one year.

Allows us to publish a new edition of the Journal of Traditional Building, Architecture and Urbanism.


50000 €

Allows us to organise a summer school.

Allows us to organise an exhibition.


Any individual or entity donating a significant amount for a particular project relative to the project’s total cost will be duly recognised, if such recognition is accepted, in all materials linked to the project.

Any individual or entity annually donating an amount of €10,000 or more or giving continuous substantial equivalent support of another kind will be recognised by the Foundation as a benefactor.

Any entity donating an amount of €10,000 or more on at least one occasion or giving substantial support of another kind will be recognised as a partner of the Foundation.

Any donation of more than €50,000 or equivalent support of another kind will entail recognitions that may be directly agreed with the donating individual or entity, according to preferences, objectives or interests.

Any donation, large or small, may, according to the location of the donating individual or entity, also be recognised with a gift of the publications produced in that year by the Foundation in their print edition.


Tax deductions if you choose to support the Foundation

Spanish donors:

According to Spanish Law 49/2002 of 23 December on tax arrangements for non-profit entities and tax incentives for patronage, donors to the Traditional Building Cultures Foundation may, if they meet the relevant requirements, claim the following tax deductions in their next tax return(s):

Personal income tax (IRPF)

The first €250 donated carry a deduction of 80%, i.e. the taxpayer pays €50 and the remaining €200 paid to us is an indirect subsidy from the Finance Ministry.

For amounts of more than €250, the deduction is 80% for the first €250 and 40% for the remaining quantity (45% if donations of the same or larger amounts have been made to the same entity in the two immediately previous tax periods). For example, for donations of €500, for the first €250 the deduction is 80%, so the taxpayer recoups €200. For the remaining €250 the deduction is 40%, so the taxpayer recoups €100. So in total the taxpayer recovers €300, or €312,5 in the case of a recurring donation.

* The deduction has a limit provided for in section 1 of article 69 of Law 35/2006, of November 28, on Personal Income Tax and partial modification of the laws on Corporate and Income Taxes of non-residents and on Heritage. The rules on tax incentives in Navarra and the Basque Country may be different from those in the rest of Spain. The rules on tax incentives in Navarra and the Basque Country may be different from those in the rest of Spain.

Corporations (corporate tax)

The amount donated carries a deduction of 40% (50% if donations of the same or larger amounts have been made to the same entity in the two immediately previous tax periods). For example, for donations of €500, the deduction will be 40%, so the taxpayer recoups €200, or €250 in the case of a recurring donation.

* This deduction is capped at 15% of the relevant taxable amount for the tax period. Amounts exceeding this limit may be applied in the tax periods ending within the ten immediately successive years. The rules on tax incentives in Navarra and the Basque Country may be different from those in the rest of Spain. The rules on tax incentives in Navarra and the Basque Country may be different from those in the rest of Spain.


We keep this information up to date, but as the tax requirements and situations of each individual or entity are different, we advise checking with an expert or seeing if there have been any changes at the Culture and Patronage Unit of the Department for the Promotion of Cultural Industries and Patronage at the Ministry of Culture and Sport.

Donors of other nationalities:

Tax deductions are subject to specific rules in each country. Tax deductions are subject to specific rules in each country. If you are unsure about whether our Foundation meets the requirements for tax deductions where you pay tax, do not hesitate to contact us and we will endeavour to supply any information required on the Foundation and its activity, to be checked with an expert on the regulations applying in the country concerned.
