Astilleros Nereo has been selected by the Traditional Building Cultures Foundation and INTBAU Spain as the master craftsperson of the month for March 2024.
Astilleros Nereo is one of the oldest traditional shipyards devoted to shipwrighting carpentry in Spain. The shipyard specialises in historical replicas, along with the design, restoration and building of classic boats.

Its outstanding figure is the shipwright Alfonso Sánchez-Guitard, who, together with other workers and volunteers, carries out the complete boatbuilding processs, from the sawing of timbers selected in woodland to their transformation into a traditional wooden boat. Formerly the process involved various trades (ironworkers, carpenters, caulkers, rope-makers, as well as upcountry sawmills) performed by different people. Given the lack of practitioners today, when building boats Alfonso does most of these tasks himself.

You can discover more about his work and activity in his profile in the Spanish Network of Traditional Building Crafts Masters: