Portada » Initiatives » Conferences » International Conference on Traditional Building, Architecture and Urbanism » Previous Editions » Protegido: Rafael Manzano Prize Seminar 2014
The Architecture and Local Identity International Seminar was organized by the Rafael Manzano Prize for New Traditional Architecture and the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid School of Architecture, with the collaboration of the Notre Dame University School of Architecture (Indiana, EEUU), the Centro de Investigación de Arquitectura Tradicional (CIAT) and INTBAU Spain. It took place in October 2014 in the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid School of Architecture (ETSAM).
Rafael Manzano, Leopoldo Gil Cornet (Rafael Manzano Prize 2012), Luis Fernando Gómez-Stern (Rafael Manzano Prize 2013 along with Ignacio Medina), Javier Cenicacelaya (Rafael Manzano Prize 2014 along with Íñigo Saloña), Alireza Sagarchi, Pier Carlo Bontempi, Fernando Vela Cossío, José Baganha, Melissa DelVecchio, Samir Younés, Alejandro García Hermida, Julio Jesús Palomino Anguí, Salma Samar Damluji, José Luis García Grinda, Léon Krier, Maurice Culot, Jaime de Hoz Onrubia and MIchael Lykoudis participated as lecturers.
It was also shown the proposal for the Plaza de la Cebada (Madrid) as a result of the work carried out in the Traditional Architecture and Urbanism International Workshop.
The seminar was a success, becoming an excellent platform for the exchange of ideas and generating interesting debates among the attendees.
The record and digital edition of these conferences, which can be visited through the links, has been made by the audiovisual services team of the School of Architecture of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.
Presentacion del Seminario Arquitectura e Identidad Local Rafael Manzano Martos
La pinceladura. Una modalidad pictórica inédita Leopoldo Gil
La recuperación de las casas de la judería de Sevilla Luis Fernando Gómez-Stern
Local Identity as Universal Value Javier Cenicacelaya
Recent works Alireza Sagharchi
Tradition, the treatment for architecture and cities Pier Carlo Bontempi
El Plan Nacional de Arquitectura Tradicional Fernando Vela
Tradition and contemporaneity José Baganha
Schwarzman College at Tsinghua University in Beijing Melissa DelVecchio
Reintegrating two urban quarters in Madrid and Palermo Samir Younés y Alejandro García Hermida
Restauración de las iglesias de la Comarca de la Arquitectura Negra Julio Jesús Palomino
Earth Architecture in Hadramut, South Yemen: Recent Projects 2014 Salma Samar Damluji
Materiales y sistemas constructivos tradicionales José Luis García Grinda
Recent works and mythogenesis Maurice Culot
Le Corbusier after Le Corbusier Leon Krier
El origen de las identidades vernáculas Jaime de Hoz
Neoclassical Architecture in Greece, Architecture and Urban Unity Michael Lykoudis
In this publication Architecture and Local Identity, an abstract of each lecture, as well as information on the initiatives developed by Richard H. Driehaus in Spain and Portugal, have been gathered, as every year. It can be downloaded for free here.
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