Portada » Initiatives » Conferences » International Conference on Traditional Building, Architecture and Urbanism » Previous Editions » Protegido: Rafael Manzano Prize 2015 Seminar
A wide variety of proposals were presented that revolved around the social role of architecture, approached from different perspectives: from its responsibility when it comes to strengthening the identity of a community to the socio-economic impact of its working styles, going onto embellishing, dignifying and enriching the places where it operates.
The Architecture and Humanism International Seminar was organized by the Rafael Manzano Prize for New Traditional Architecture and the Notre Dame University School of Architecture (Indiana, EEUU), with the collaboration of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid School of Architecture, the Centro de Investigación de Arquitectura Tradicional (CIAT) and INTBAU Spain. It took place in 18-20 June 2013 in the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid School of Architecture (ETSAM).
A wide range of proposals revolving around the social role of architecture were presented. They approached the topic from different perspectives: from its responsibility to strengthen the identity of a community to the socio-economic impact of the way it works, including that of beautifying, dignifying and enriching the places in which it is put to work. Speakers included Christine Franck, David Mayernik, Taisto Mäkëla, Rafael Manzano, Leopoldo Gil Cornet (Rafael Manzano Award 2012), Javier Cenicacelaya (Rafael Manzano Award 2014 with Íñigo Saloña), Fernando Vela Cossío, Melissa DelVecchio, Alejandro García Hermida, Léon Krier, Jaime de Hoz, Steven Semes, David Rivera, José Carlos Palacios, Donald Gray (Rafael Manzano Award 2015) and Enrique Nuere.
The proposals for the redevelopment of several squares in the centre of Madrid (Plaza del Carmen, Plaza de Jacinto Benavente, Plaza de Santo Domingo, Plaza de los Mostenses, Plaza de las Descalzas – San Martín) resulting from the work carried out at the Madrid Traditional Architecture and Urbanism International Summer School 2015 were also presented. The Summer School was organised by the Rafael Manzano Prize together with the schools of architecture of the universities of Notre Dame and Miami, with the collaboration of the Madrid City Council, the schools of architecture of the Alfonso X el Sabio University, the Polytechnic University and the University of Alcalá, INTBAU Spain and the Research Centre for Traditional Architecture (CIAT).
With a full room despite the intense programme, and a great audience, the seminar was a success, becoming an excellent platform for the exchange of ideas and raising interesting discussions among attendees.
The record and digital edition of these conferences, which can be visited through the links, has been made by the audiovisual services team of the School of Architecture of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.
Patrimonio e Identidad Javier Cenicacelaya
La falsificación de la historia Leopoldo Gil Cornet
Wood, Light and Architecture in Finland Taisto Mäkëla
Debate tras la primera sesión
Building Communities: Expanding Yale’s Residential College System Melissa DelVecchio
Hacer algo diferente y los falsos historicismos Donald Gray
Arquitectura y expresión comunitaria en la primera mitad del siglo XX David Rivera
Propuestas de mejora para 5 plazas del centro de Madrid Alejandro García Hermida
Guatemaya, A New Urban Heart for Guatemala City Leon Krier
Designing the sense of belonging Ettore Mazzola
Debate tras la segunda sesión
La recuperación del oficio tradicional y su adecuación y actualización Jaime de Hoz
El origen de la carpintería de lazo Enrique Nuere
Aprender haciendo, el taller de construcción gótica de Madrid José Carlos Palacios
Place Matters. Tradition in the American West Christine Franck
Classical Humanism in Practice and Pedagogy David Mayernik
La restauración de la calzada hacia la Cruz del Campo en Sevilla Rafael Manzano Martos
In this publication Architecture and Humanism, an abstract of each lecture, as well as information on the initiatives developed by Richard H. Driehaus in Spain and Portugal, have been gathered, as every year. It can be downloaded for free here.
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