Portada » Initiatives » Conferences » International Conference on Traditional Building, Architecture and Urbanism
Alejandro García Hermida, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Traditional Building Cultures Foundation, and INTBAU Spain
Guillermo Gil Fernández, Traditional Building Cultures Foundation and INTBAU Spain
Rebeca Gómez-Gordo Villa, Traditional Building Cultures Foundation and INTBAU Spain
Advisory Board
Robert Adam, INTBAU UK
José Baganha, Traditional Building Cultures Foundation and INTBAU Portugal
Antonio Maria Braga, Architect
Javier Cenicacelaya, Universidad del País Vasco and INTBAU Spain
Maurice Culot, ARCAS
Melissa DelVecchio, RAMSA
Abdel Wahed El Wakil, Qatar Foundation Faculty of Islamic Studies
Leopoldo Gil Cornet, Traditional Building Cultures Foundation and INTBAU Spain
Mohamad Hamaouie, INTBAU Levant
Steve Hartley, University of Notre Dame
Marjorie Hunt, Smithsonian Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage
Juan de Dios de la Hoz Martínez, Traditional Building Cultures Foundation
Jaime de Hoz Onrubia, Universidad Alfonso X el Sabio and CIAT-UPM
Leon Krier, Architecture and Urbanism Consultant
Yasmeen Lari, INTBAU Pakistan & Heritage Foundation of Pakistan
Rafael Manzano Martos, Architect
Frank Martínez, University of Miami
Elizabeth Moule, Moule & Polyzoides
Ángel Panero Pardo, Consorcio de Santiago de Compostela
Stefanos Polyzoides, University of Notre Dame
Luis Prieto Prieto, Traditional Building Cultures Foundation
David Rivera, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Anna Santolaria Tura, Stained glass master
Fernando Vela Cossío, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and CIAT-UPM
Harriet Wennberg, INTBAU
Scientifc Comittee
Elena Agromayor Navarrete, Instituto de Patrimonio Cultural de España
Monica Alcindor, Universidade Portucalense
Giuseppe Amoruso, Politecnico di Milano and INTBAU Italia
Selena Anders, University of Notre Dame
Andrea Bocco, Politecnico di Torino
Mieke Bosse, INTBAU Nederland
Aurora Carapinha, Universidade de Évora
Francisco Javier Castilla Pascual, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha
Anuradha Chaturvedi, Delhi School of Planning and Architecture
Íñigo Cobeta, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Louise Cooke, University of York
Mariana Correia, Universidade Portucalense
Aniceto Delgado Méndez, Instituto Andaluz de Patrimonio Histórico
Aritz Díez Oronoz, Universidad del País Vasco
Richard Economakis, University of Notre Dame
Rino Fernández, University of Santo Tomas, Manila
Luis Fernando Guerrero Baca, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana
Rui Florentino, Universidade Portucalense
Manuel Fortea, Universidad de Extremadura
Julián García Muñoz, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Miguel Ángel García Valero, Ayuntamiento de Boadilla del Monte
Grant Gilmore III, College of Charleston
Ignacio González-Varas Ibáñez, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha
Guillermo Guimaraens Igual, Universitat Politècnica de València
Shirish Gupte, INTBAU India
Martin Horácek, Brno University of Technology & INTBAU Czechia
Jaime de Hoz Onrubia, Universidad Alfonso X el Sabio and CIAT-UPM
Marjorie Hunt, Smithsonian Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage
Imanol Iparraguirre Barbero, Universidad del País Vasco
Tomasz Jelenski, Cracow University of Technology and INTBAU Polska
Vincenzina La Spina, Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena
Jean-François Lejeune, University of Miami
Ricardo López, University of Miami
José Manuel López Osorio, Universidad de Málaga
Francisco Javier López Martínez, Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia
Ettore Mazzola, University of Notre Dame
Camilla Mileto, Universitat Politècnica de València
Christopher Miller, Glavé & Holmes Architecture
Javier de Mingo, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Carmen Moreno Adán, Universidad Alfonso X el Sabio
Alfonso Muñoz Cosme, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Isabel Ordieres, Universidad de Alcalá
José Carlos Palacios Gonzalo, Architect
Pedro Paulo Palazzo, Universidade de Brasília
Attilio Petruccioli, Università di Roma, La Sapienza
Deependra Prashad, INTBAU India
Eduardo Prieto, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Giamila Quattrone, University of Liverpool
Fernando Quiles García, Universidad Pablo de Olavide
Enrique Rabasa Díaz, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Javier Rivera Blanco, Universidad de Alcalá
David Rivera, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
José Luis Sáinz Guerra, Universidad de Valladolid
Steven Semes, University of Notre Dame
Sanjeev Singh, Bhopal School of Planning and Architecture
Timothy Smith, Kingston University
Miguel Sobrino, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Tania Ali Soomro, NED University of Engineering & Technology
Jonathan Taylor, Kingston University
Lander Uncilla, Universidad del País Vasco
Krupali Uplekar, University of Notre Dame
Francisco Uviña-Contreras, University of New Mexico
Fernando Vegas López-Manzanares, Universitat Politècnica de València
Fernando Vela Cossío, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and CIAT-UPM
Marcel Vellinga, Oxford Brookes University
Montserrat Villaverde Rey, Universitat Ramon Llull
Nathaniel R. Walker, Catholic University of America
Samir Younés, University of Notre Dame
Submission deadline
Publication of the 5th issue of the Journal of Traditional Building, Architecture and Urbanism.
Conference in Úbeda, Spain
Introductory guided visit to Úbeda
Institutional welcome, lectures by international architects and debates
Demonstrations by traditional building trades masters
Demonstrations by traditional building trades masters and closing visit
These presentations will be virtual and will be recorded and made available on the website prior to the Conference.
Instructions for the selected authors to prepare presentations will be provided once the selection is notified.
Guest speakers will lecture on the topics of the conference. These talks will be recorded and uploaded to the website conference several weeks after the event.
The International Conference on Traditional Building Architecture and Urbanism is organized thanks to Richard H. Driehaus by the Traditional Building Cultures Foundation
With the collaboration of INTBAU, the Escuela de Arquitectura of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (ETSAM), Kalam, the Fundação Serra Henriques and the Ordem dos Arquitetos.
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