The Richard H. Driehaus Architecture Competition has since 2016 promoted the practice of architecture and urbanism which, on one hand, give continuity to local traditions, and on the other, contribute to generating more beautiful and lasting urban fabrics, better integrated into existing architectural heritage.

The Competition is held in two successive phases. In the first, Spanish municipalities are invited to submit possible subjects and sites and an international jury chooses the three that best meet the stated aims and criteria. In the second phase, of international scope, architects of any nationality are invited to submit architectural and urban design proposals for any of the three pre-selected sites.

Finally the jury selects and rewards those proposals that may serve as a model for better practice in architecture, urbanism and conservation of built heritage, especially in dilapidated architectural ensembles and urban areas subject to decay and/or threatened by depopulation.


Iberian Summer School

The new edition of the Iberian Summer School, organized by the Traditional Building Cultures Foundation with the collaboration of INTBAU Spain and INTBAU Portugal, will take place in Arcos de

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2024 Building Arts Awards Winners

For the eighth consecutive year, the Building Arts Awards, endowed with €40,000, have been granted to four outstanding craftspeople. The award ceremony took place at the Museo de América, in

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