I Conferences of the Rafael Mazano Prize 2012



Due to the award ceremony of the Rafael Manzano Prize 2012 to Leopoldo Gil Cornet, the first Series of Conferences for this Prize was celebrated at the School of Architecture of the at la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM).


The record and digital edition of these conferences, which can be visited through the links, has been made by the audiovisual services team of the School of Architecture of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.

El último clasicismo tardoantiguo en Occidente: El Califato de Córdoba Rafael Manzano Martos

The fear of backwardness Leon Krier

Roncesvalles, un hospital en el camino Leopoldo Gil Cornet

Luces y sombras en la práctica de la restauración en España Antonio Almagro

La transformación del Patio de los Leones de la Alhambra de Granada Carlos Sánchez