2024 Donald Gray Grants for the Building Arts

These grants are aimed at training an apprentice for a period of six months. There are two independent grants:

  • Training grant with master brick carver Sebastián Pérez Gómez.
  • Training grant with master carpenter Max Rutgers.

The two grant recipients will receive financial support for a period of six months (or its equivalent if the training is conducted intermittently), starting from the beginning of the tutelage and apprenticeship process, with the start date mutually agreed upon with the master. This financial support will amount to a total of €6,000, the receipt of which, whether in full or in part, will always be subject to the fulfillment of the training objectives set at the beginning of the grant period.

In addition, the master will also receive financial support, both for the development of this training and to assume various expenses that may arise from it.

Sebastián Pérez Gómez

Sebastián Pérez Gómez specializes in carved terracotta bricks. His training and professional development have both taken place in Fuentes de Andalucía, in the province of Seville. Sebastián began learning the trade at an early age under the tutelage of his father, José Pérez Gamero, locally known as “El Sillero,” as well as other master bricklayers. Sebastián was particularly drawn to the art of carving terracotta bricks, a craft that captivated his interest due to its artistic potential, and he has been specializing in it over the years. Mastery of this technique has allowed him to undertake numerous projects, both restoration and new construction, in Fuentes de Andalucía and the Écija region.

Max Rutgers

Max Rutgers, originally from the Netherlands, was drawn to the world of wood from an early age. His passion for art, sculpture, and drawing led him in 1994 to train in France with the Compagnons du Devoir as a structural carpenter. The Compagnons is a French association of craftsmen whose roots date back to the Middle Ages, an experience that has significantly influenced his professional career. In 2007, after working in various locations across Europe, America, and Africa, Max settled in Alto Ampurdán in Girona. There, he founded his company, MaxMadera, specializing in the construction and restoration of wooden structures. He has undertaken significant projects in heritage buildings, as well as in houses, farmhouses, and unique new buildings throughout Catalonia.

Key dates

June 2024 – Publication of the Terms and Conditions.

13/09/2024 – Deadline for receiving applications.

25/09/2024 – Announcement of the selected apprentice for each grant.

October 2024 – Estimated start date of the training.

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